Profile photo of Iliana
  • Iliana (babysitter)

  • Screened profile
  • Опит 24 years
  • Оценка 5.0
  • Payment 15 lv/hour
  • Свържи се
София [ Красна Поляна ]
55 years

Short presentation

Знам, че е най-трудно за един родител да се довери на непознат човек за отглеждане на най-ценното му. Аз лично, бих го направила страшно трудно и с резерви, не бих се хвалила с качества и предимства, не ми е присъщо. Просто обичам мъничетата и за мен те са най-чистите и светли същества! Имам две пораснали деца, грижила съм се и за близнаци . Мога и го правя отлично! Приоритет е безопастността на детето във всички аспекти.Активен шофьор съм, собствен автомобил. В дома ми също предлагам отлични условия за полагане на грижи за дечица, като в къщи мога да поема дете и за през нощта.


Certificate of First Care
I have additional child care training
Criminal record
Medical Certificate
Mental Health Certificate
Active driver

Experience with children

  • up to 12 month old: 8 years
  • 1-3 year olds: 8 years
  • 4-6 year olds: 8 years
Can take care of a child aged: does not matter
How many children would you care for? 2 children
Additional obligations
Cleaning the children's room, Cooking for the child, Laundry for the child, Ironing children's clothes, Feeding, Shopping, Bathing, Walk, Would you take the child from/to school/kindergarten?, Would you take the child from/to extracurricular activities, Help with homework

About me


I'm looking for work


The listed methods by which we have confirmed this profile

Работен график


I want to get in touch with Iliana?

Към момента единствената възможност да се свържеш с детегледачките е като публикуваш безплатна обява при нас
Want to know more whether Iliana is available to work, whether it meets your requirements and is it ready to take a booking?
Contact Iliana How to connect

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Save at least more profiles and then send your offer to them. Describe what you are looking for and we will send the offer to the selected candidates.
Already working

3 Recommendations

#1 31 Jan 2023 5

от Ирена Анева, живуща в гр.София, ж.к Бели брези, улица “Битоля” №4, вх.Б, ет.2, ап.9
И Бойчо Станчев Станков, живущ в гр.София, кв.Изгрев, улица “Драган Цанков” № 24, ет.1

Уважаема госпожо Дурова,

От името на нашето семейство с най-топли и сърдечни чувства Ви благодарим за грижите, които полагате при отглеждането и възпитанието на нашия син. За нас е удоволствие да се радваме на добротата Ви, на позитивността и всеотдайността Ви при общуването и заниманията с нашето дете.
Най-искрено УВАЖЕНИЕ към Вас!
Респект към труда Ви и с обич към Вас още веднъж

#2 27 Jan 2023 5

Изключително отговорен и съвестен човек. Грижи се за бебетата ми като за свои деца, като им посвещаваше цялото си внимание и любов. Уверена, комуникативна и човек, на когото винаги може да се разчита. Бях спокойна, че децата ми са в добри ръце.

#3 28 May 2021 5

Познавам Илиана покрай оказаната помощ за отглеждането сина ми. Отлично справяне с възложените от мен задачи и много коректно отношение, както и съвестно изпълняване да задачи, които не бяха уговорени в първоначалните ни разговори.Страхотен човек и искрено съжалявам, че не мога да я задържа, но детето вече е голямо и посещава детска градина. Разбираше се чудесно със сина ми и мога само да кажа, че имахме невероятен късмет, че се открихме взаимно!

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For which town and region do you need a babysitter?

The search for foreign countries is possible only through Premium Selection. At the moment, our platform does not cover searches outside Sofia and Varna

How many working hours will the babysitter have and what type of employment do you offer?

На какъв график?

Кога са родени твоите деца?
    When you'll need a sitter??
    We can do the selection of babysitter for you against payment. But you can publish a “free search”, if you`d like.
    Individual selection
    We will search for an experienced and recommended babysitter for you. We will personally interview all candidates, we will build their psychic profiles, and will check their documents and recommendations.
    • Save time

      Specialists in selection will do everything for you
    • Screened

      We will personally interview and verify their recommendations
    • Experienced

      With great experience and recommendations from other parents
    • 3 month warranty

      In case, the chosen babysitter does not meet your expectations we will find a new one for free.

    • Deposit

      A deposit of {amount} BGN is paid to start the search
      (The amount is due only after we talk on the phone and agree on everything about the commitment)
    • Residue

      The remaining amount of {amount} BGN is paid after you hire your babysitter
    • Payment

      {amount} BGN is paid for our service, while you're enjoying your free time!
      No upfront costs! You'll pay only after you hire your babysitter from us! The amount of {amount} BGN is paid for our service, while you're enjoying your free time!
      (The amount is due only after we talk on the phone and agree on everything about the commitment)
    • Discount

      Sign with us till {date} and you'll get {amount} BGN discount from the total price!
    Any more questions?
    For more questions – contact us. Phone number +359897026880, E-mail [email protected] or visit us in our office: Sofia, Alexander Stambolyiski 34.
    If you prefer online connection, text us Viber or on Messenger

    I choose Individual selection
    Free Advert
    We will provide you with our platform for use completely free. In it you will be able to post an ad, collect applications, browse their profiles, contact each one and set up interviews.
    I choose Free Advert
    How can we contact you and where can we send notifications of new applicants?
    Successfully logged in with your Facebook account.
    We won't ask for your password anymore, but we will need your email and phone number to send you applications.

    Already have a profile? Sign in, before publishing.
    You will have access to your account using e-mail and password, and check every candidate that applied to your advertisement.

    We are almost done! Write a short text describing what are you looking for.

    Oops, we got a problem! You probably have an Ad Blocker that hides the Captcha. If not, contact us to look for the problem together.

    Your request has been sent

    1. We will contact you on the specified phone to build together the profile of your future babysitter
    2. After which we will expect you to transfer a deposit of 100 BGN via bank transfer to start the search
    3. When we find suitable candidates, we will send them to the email address you provide
    4. When you stop at one of the candidates, we will arrange an interview at a convenient time and place for you



    Oops, we got a problem! You probably have an Ad Blocker that hides the Captcha. If not, contact us to look for the problem together.
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